Problem Solving Judges

Solving problems of the citizens of our community in an ethical and non-political manner.

Dedication & Experience

Judges Beckstead and Maciarello bring years of experience on the Wicomico County Circuit Court.

Fair Application of the Law

Everyone should have have their day in court, in a courtroom dedicated to fidelity to law and justice.

Vote to Retain Judge Beckstead and Judge Maciarello in the 2018 Election.


"We are presenting ourselves as a slate, we are both qualified as sitting judges. We will remove the incentive to make it a partisan politics decision on behalf of the public. That way they can look at our qualifications." * — Judge Kathleen Beckstead

"We want to give the best results to the citizenry so they don’t have to go to extra expense unnecessarily. We are bringing in more experts, more child counselors, so the litigant, if he has to go to trial, will feel justice was served." * — Judge Kathleen Beckstead

"It is a shared vision with someone that is experienced, who shares your values. Those common bonds are advantageous. You’re on the ticket with someone who is an incredible, good jurist and a strong jurist, someone who understands the values and requirements of the judiciary." * — Judge Matthew Maciarello

* See Salisbury Independent, July 12th, 2017

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Wicomico County Sitting Judges

Problem Solving Judges

Solving problems of the citizens of our community in an ethical and non-political manner.

Dedication & Experience

Judges Beckstead and Maciarello bring years of experience on the Wicomico County Circuit Court.

Fair Application of the Law

Everyone should have have their day in court, in a courtroom dedicated to fidelity to law and justice.

Experience ...

— Contribute to the Campaign Today —

Help our campaign in its efforts to retain Hon. Kathleen L. Beckstead and Hon. Matthew ("Matt") Maciarello on the Maryland judiciary.

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