Maryland Collaborative Law Association

MCLA Minutes - May 10, 2006

Michael, Renee, Harry, & I meet this morning. We were joined by Jim Motsay and Michael Lay. The highlights are as follows:

  1. Susan will revise the Power Point, and we will distribute it at our May 31st dinner. We will mail it out to the other members.
  2. Michael will see what is involved in obtaining a license from ICAP. This will allow us to purchase and distribute the ICPA materials.
  3. We will be one of the sponsors at the Maryland Mediator's Convention, which will be held in December, 2006.
  4. We will participate with the MCPC at the Maryland State Bar Convention in June. We expect to have the brochures and inserts available for distribution.
  5. Susan will contacted Craig to get the most up to date roster. An email will be sent to all members giving them a drop dead date to change/verify their listing.
  6. Michael suggested that we each have an updated and separate listing of 1) Board, 2) Members, and 3) Persons with interests in CL. Susan thinks that we might already have this.
  7. I will try to get a listing of local fairs so we can decide whether to participate.
  8. We have decided that the first meeting each month, beginning with June 7th, will be held at a more convenient location for everyone. Panara's, which is located on Reisterstown Road (several blocks north of the Beltway exit) should be a good choice. We would like to focus with education outreach at the June 7th meeting, so we should invite non-board members who want to work on this committee to join us. Does anyone know who these other members are?
  9. Renee will follow up with the pro-bono public relations project.

MCLA, Inc.
P. O. Box 3
Brooklandville, Maryland 21022-0003
Webmaster: Gregory Pickett