Maryland Collaborative Law Association

MCLA Minutes - June 21, 2006

Present were Michael F., Ali, Jim, Michael M., and myself.

  1. Michael F. anticipates that the brochures and roster will be completed today.
  2. Allie and Harry will review Allie's proposed modifications to the Participation Agreement and report back to the Board.
  3. Michael F. requested that photographs be placed on the website, and Jim and Michael M. agreed to be the association's official photographers.
  4. Allie and Michael M. will be speaking at the Carroll County Public Library in Eldersburg on September 21, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. The Carroll County Library does not charge for the room and advertises in local newspapers. Additionally we should be able to leave brochures at the library. Harry and Marc will go over the presentation with Michael M. and Allie.
  5. Allie has also looked into utilizing the Baltimore County Libraries for future speaking dates. The Baltimore County Library charges a $30 fee for the room.
  6. Michael M. was in contact with Polly Wellover at the Carroll County Circuit Courts. We will be able to place brochures with Polly for distribution in Carroll County.
  7. Marc will check out the costs for participation at summer fairs and the ability to hand out brochures.
  8. Allie is interested in getting together with a Dorchester County group.
  9. Michael M. wanted to assist Allie. Michael F. questioned whether to expand resources outside of our geographical area. Michael F. suggested placement of a small listing in the Yellow Pages, which would simply state MCLA and our website address. Michael will look into the cost.
  10. Michael F. suggested that we schedule another social event with Michael M. making a short presentation. Jim will look into holding a crab feast in July or August with spouses and significant others invited to attend.
  11. The MCLA website was reviewed and the following suggestions/comments were made:
    1. As the website is a bit hard to read, it was suggested that the material be displayed in column form.
    2. Changing the word 'domestic' to 'family'
    3. It was agreed that members will not be able to list multiple addresses at this time.
    4. Change the 'information' tab to 'articles'
    5. Create a members only area, which will require a login password. Under this heading will be participation agreement, forms, power point presentations and board and member minutes (with the exception of the executive session minutes).
    6. Photographs will be placed in the public area under 'Events'
    7. Calendar will consist of a listing of events as opposed to calendar layout. All events will be able to be accessed by the public.
    8. Links-Suzan was nominated to put together links
    9. Articles-we are looking for new articles, (approximately 3-5 paragraphs) on family and collaborative law each month. We will look for 2 members to contribute articles each month, which would be coordinated by Jim. Deletion of the submit question, contact form and news. This will keep our site high with the search engines.
    10. Create a 'resource' heading under which frequently asked questions will appear. The 'learn more' heading will be deleted.
    11. A separate heading for 'members list'.
    12. Tag line to be inserted on the web page
    13. Jim will seek permission to use a Collaborative Law Institute of Texas' forms on our website. If permission is granted, Jim will submit to the Board the various forms for review and possible modification.
  12. The next meeting will be on June 29, 2006 (that's a Thursday) at 8:00 a.m. at Michael's office.

MCLA, Inc.
P. O. Box 3
Brooklandville, Maryland 21022-0003
Webmaster: Gregory Pickett