Maryland Collaborative Law Association

MCLA Minutes - June 26, 2007

  1. The June 26, 2007 meeting of the MCLA Board commenced at approximately 8:10 a.m.
  2. In attendance:
    Harry Baumohl
    Ali Dansker Doyle
    Marc Baer
    Stacey Andersen
  3. Library trainings were discussed: since public attendance has been nearly nonexistent, the Board has been giving consideration to advertising trainings differently and possibly holding the trainings in other locations that might be more popular in various communities.
  4. The October training contract was discussed. The contract provides for 100 participants. The contract is poised for finalization.
  5. Ali is working on final revisions for the MCLA flier. Stacey to coordinate with Ali on the list of current members. Ali has also been shopping various printers for competitive rates. Notice will go out to members shortly about editing each member’s profile.
  6. The Board further discussed whether to conduct a Brown Bag luncheon during the summer. It was decided that we would resume in September. Last summer, a crab feast was held for members with a good turn out. The Board discussed holding another crab feast in the second or third week of August in lieu of the Brown Bag. Harry will contact Jim about the location for the event, as Jim secured the location last year.
  7. By-laws revision: Jim will be sending a new, red-lined version for review. A notice of meeting to membership will be provided for feedback on the proposed revisions to the By-laws.
  8. MCLA to purchase IACP lapel pins for members.
  9. Next meeting to take place on 7/10/07 at 8:00 a.m. at Panera in Owings Mills.
  10. Meeting Adjourned at 8:50 a.m.

MCLA, Inc.
P. O. Box 3
Brooklandville, Maryland 21022-0003
Webmaster: Gregory Pickett