Maryland Collaborative Law Association

MCLA Minutes - January 30, 2007

  1. The January 30, 2007 meeting of the MCLA Board commenced at approximately 8:04 a.m.
  2. The following individuals were in attendance:
    Ali Doyle
    Jim Motsay
    Mike Mastracci (via phone)
    Michael Freilich
    Stacey Andersen
    Marc Baer
  3. The following agenda topics were discussed:
    1. Training: Michael communicated with Sherry S. She is not available during the time period sought but provided references. One proposal for training discussed together with issues concerning logistics. Training issues to be considered next meeting.
    2. Dinner on 2/21 and topics for dinner discussed: public awareness update (MCLA article, Catonsville and Arbutus Times coverage), training, membership, board nominations. Publicity of dinner also considered and board members to make calls to others, including an invitation to a non-trained person to attend the dinner.
    3. Jim coordinating with Greg on data set up collection form.
  4. Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 a.m.

MCLA, Inc.
P. O. Box 3
Brooklandville, Maryland 21022-0003
Webmaster: Gregory Pickett